life of your car

We all know that maintaining your car is of utmost importance if you want it to last a long time. However, taking care of your vehicle doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Following these 7 simple tips will help prolong the mechanical integrity of your car for years to come.

Regularly check your tires

In addition to immediately fixing a problem that arises on your vehicle’s dashboard, be sure to inspect your tires for abnormalities (such as a small nail or nail) and check the tread your tires at least once a month. Some tire retailers will check your tire pressure for free. Also rotate the tires every 6000 to 8000 miles (or every six months).

Changing Air

Filters Replacing your engine’s air filters is essential to maintaining your car’s performance. If your air filter is dirty, clean air cannot reach your engine and can cause many problems such as poor fuel mileage and loss of power. Be sure to change your filters at least every 15,000 miles or once a year.

Use Fuel System Cleaner Fuel

system cleaners help remove carbon deposits from your car’s fuel system components, such as indirect fuel ports/injectors, intake valves and ports, pistons, cylinder heads and combustion chamber. Carbon deposits can increase emissions, hamper acceleration and cause hard stops. High mileage cars in particular can suffer from heavy carbon deposits and excessive friction. Using a cleaner such as Gumout High Mileage Fuel System Cleaner can remove deposits and restore performance.

Check Fluids Regularly

Yes, it’s easy to tell when you need to top off wiper fluid, but your vehicle needs several other fluids to maintain peak performance. Make sure the following fluids are checked and serviced regularly:

Engine oil

Cooling liquid

Brake fluid

Power steering fluid

Smooth transmission

Wiper fluid

 Keep Weight Low

Don’t overload your vehicle. Not only is this a safety hazard (possibly resulting in a traffic fine), but it also causes unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle and its suspension system. Consider multiple trips or ship items instead if it’s a long trip.

 Wash your vehicle

Debris from normal daily driving should be cleaned regularly. Not giving your car a bath can lead to premature wear and corrosion. This is especially true in areas where road salt is used. Also be aware that bird droppings and tree sap can be acidic.

Drive smart

In other words, take care of your vehicle and it will take care of you. Pay attention to the different noises your car makes while driving. Avoid roads with bad roads, obey construction signs and have your car checked at the first sight of a seer.

By admin

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